Holly Shannon

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Taking a Power Nap: the Concept of 'Nappuccino' and its Relation with Caffeine

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Episode Notes

I want to be a napper. When I actually nap I wonder to myself, why don’t I do this more often? Do you nap? Do you ditch the nap for caffeine or performance drinks? What if there was a happy marriage of both? I’m always up for validation. So when I heard about the nappuccino, I had to learn more and share with my coffee lovers. I was thinking, how could it be that I might have the best of both worlds?

Daniel Pink Cappuccino

When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, Daniel Pink

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Episode Cafes Then and Now


#Coffee #barista #pumpkinspicedlatte #Starbucks #DunkinDonuts #blackcoffee #darkroast #lightroast #latte #macchiato #cappuccino #espresso#centralperk #Bulletproof #howtomakecoffee #coffeebeans #coffeedate #virtualcoffee #coffeebreak #coldbrew #coffeemachine #coffeegrinder #connection #community #frenchpress #coffeehousemusic #cafe #arabica #espresso #cuppajoe #decaffeinated #caffeine #coffeeaddiction #cappuccino


I want to be a napper. When I actually nap I wonder to myself, why don’t I do this more often?

Do you nap? Do you ditch the nap for caffeine or performance drinks? What if there was a happy marriage of both?

I’m always up for validation. So when I heard about the nappuccino, I had to learn more and share with my coffee lovers. I was thinking, how could it be that I might have the best of both worlds?

So let’s dig in on the 5 steps laid out by Daniel Pink. I’ll put this PDF in the show notes along with his new book, When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing. The title will make sense when I reach #5 of the steps.


Find your afternoon low point.

The best time for a nap is generally about 7 hours after waking (to be more precise, note your afternoon mood and energy levels for a week to find your optimal nap time).


Create a peaceful environment.

Turn off your phone notifications. If you’ve got a door, close it. If you’ve got a couch, use it.


Down a cup of coffee.

Yes, you read that right. The most efficient nap is the “nappuccino”. Caffeine takes about 25 minutes to engage in your bloodstream, so drink up right before you lie down.


Set a timer for 25 minutes.

Naps between 10 and 20 minutes measurably boost alertness and mental function without leaving you sleepier than before. When you wake up, the caffeine is beginning to kick in.


Repeat consistently.

There’s evidence that habitual nappers get more from their naps than infrequent nappers, so if you have the flexibility, make an afternoon nap a regular ritual.

So coffee lovers, I have 3 questions for you, 

  1. Are you taking naps? 

  2. Was this all the validation you needed? 

  3. Have you done this before?

Happy napping and enjoy your holiday break. Find a couch, occupy it and wrap your hands around a hot cup of connection with me!

This season is produced by pale blue studios