Podcast Magazine: Cutting Through the Culture Crap


By Michelle Shaeffer, Podcast Magazine, Business Category Director

Holly Shannon’s been described as a business Swiss-Army knife.  Might sound a little weird, until you tune in and realize that her top 2% podcast, Culture Factor, is literally cutting through the culture crap.

“Culture” has become an overused buzzword in the business space today.  So much so that everyone seems to have an opinion on the “right” way to build a company culture (even those who’ve never run a business).  

It does lead us to wonder: does the world need another podcast on culture?  Yes, if it’s Holly’s.

Because she doesn’t just see culture as creating a mission statement and list of core values to get your team on board with. Instead, she explores culture as a strategy that requires a deep understanding of the human side.
As she covers emerging trends and foundational truths, Culture Factor is packed full of episodes that will not only give you insight into key business topics, but also guide you into new perspectives and different ways of approaching the challenges and opportunities inside your business.

Holly was a self-admitted “podcast junkie” before she decided to host her own show.  And she knew a podcast was somewhere she could get her message out and create more impact.  But her fascination with audio and social marketing soon went beyond the podcast and into Clubhouse and then a second podcast (the “Zero to Podcast” podcast is set to launch soon).

She’s driven by a core belief that everyone has a story or expertise to share – and that everyone’s voice matters.  It’s what inspired her to take what she’d learned from hosting her own podcast, and turn it into the best-selling “Zero to Podcast”.

In the book, she shared step by step what she’d done to launch and grow her own podcast – both to give others an easy to follow roadmap, and so she could replicate the process for more of her own shows.

What she loves about the podcasting space is that, “podcasting enables you to create a community of listeners, subscribers, and followers.” But there’s more to it in Holly’s mind than just the community: 

  1. Fully Democratized Platforms

Everyone has an opportunity to share their message – and to support anyone’s message.  You don’t have to fight the social media algorithms to get noticed.

  1. Anyone Can Start a Podcast to Share Their Message

There’s a very low barrier to entry in podcasting.  You don’t need a huge budget or extensive tech skills.

  1. Podcasting Creates “Street Cred” as a Thought Leader

After Holly launched her podcast, she found people were open to being on her show and she’s been able to interview and learn from a parade of high-level guests.

Three great reasons to podcast, for sure.  

But where Holly’s expertise shines is in the strategic approach she takes to podcasting and business.  And her strategy is quite unique: offense/defense.

You’re probably wondering what exactly that means?  Here’s how Holly explains it:

OFFENSE: “The offensive part of my day starts with me. It consists of a great cup of coffee, exercise, and meditation.  Still in offensive mode, I work on client’s podcasts, research and source interviews for my podcast, create content, ghostwrite, record, and work on strategic plans. I then move into a building mode. Ideating on business ideas, articles, and content batch production for social media.”

DEFENSE: “The defensive part starts when I check my email. It changes the order of how I conduct my work if I do it first thing. So giving myself time to stay offensive as long as possible to maintain a flow state and finish projects is critical. But being defensive does not mean anything negative to me.  It’s where new business awaits in my inbox.  It’s to participate in social media to respond to DM’s and build community. It is scheduling the work that comes in and starting the process with companies that are ready to have their idea on iTunes.” 

If you’re thinking, “well that makes sense…” you’ll love the Culture Factor podcast.  

And, how can you not love a host who admits on Instagram that she got lost at the Gaylord Opryland Resort?  We’ve all been there, Shannon.  Next time, perhaps just sit down wherever you’re at and record a podcast for us?