Holly Shannon

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Can You Drink Coffee While Intermittent Fasting?

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Hi Coffee Culture family! My topic today is can you drink coffee while intermittent fasting, the benefits and the risks. I've personally tried intermittent fasting. It's purported to set the stage for a longer life, a leaner body and a sharper mind. More modern day warriors seeking health hacks are trying to improve the sharpness of their minds and are using it by creating a 10 to 14 hour window where they do not consume food. I've had success by incorporating it into my sleeping hours.

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Holly Shannon 0:00 Coffee Culture is brewed for connection under the guise of coffee. We've been meeting in cafes for centuries. Today is no different. Coffee Culture, the podcast explores the meetup. If you are a coffee enthusiast, maybe seeking Modern Love on a coffee date, we'll want some health hacks. We'll dig into that too. I'm Holly Shannon. Come wrap your hands around a hot cup of connection with me on coffee culture. High coffee culture family. My topic today is can you drink coffee while intermittent fasting, the benefits and the risks. I've personally tried intermittent fasting. It's purported to set the stage for a longer life, a leaner body and a sharper mind. More modern day warriors seeking health hacks are trying to improve the sharpness of their minds and are using it by creating a 10 to 14 hour window where they do not consume food. I've had success by incorporating it into my sleeping hours. So for example, all stop eating after 8pm and I refrained from snacking after dinner too, which is really hard. I'll go to sleep and wake at 6am that is already 10 hours of no food. So if I get up and drink water, and only black coffee with no cream, protein powder added sugars, I can extend that window until 10am. So that's where my 14 hour window resides. That's my goal. I'm noting here that adding anything to your coffee essentially breaks the fast. And there'll be more on that in a minute. So you asked me why would I want to do this? Well, let me shed some light on this through Mark Matson. He is a Johns Hopkins neuroscientist who has studied intermittent fasting for 25 years. He says that our bodies have evolved to be able to go without food for many hours, or even several days or longer. And that in prehistoric times before humans learned to farm, there were hunters and gatherers who evolved to survive and thrive for long periods without eating. And they had to because it took a lot of time and energy to hunt game and to gather nuts and berries. Research shows that the intermittent intermittent fasting periods do more than burn fat mass and explains that when changes occur with this metabolic switch that you go through. It affects the body and brain. I personally like to focus on the benefits of focus and clarity. And one of Madison's studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveal data about a range of health benefits associated with the practice. These include a longer life, a leaner body, and a sharper mind. Who doesn't want a longer life with a sharper mind. Studies discovered that intermittent fasting boosts working memory in animals and verbal memory in adult humans. This is not a diet I'm recommending unless you pass it by your doctor. There are plenty of studies out there to help you decide if you even want to try it. I stumbled into this originally when I was exploring bulletproof coffee, a book and brand by David Asprey. I'll leave that in the show notes, but I want to dial back to the additions we generally make to our cup of coffee. You break the fast as soon as you add these things. And there's a ton of literature on this. keto and paleo followers say it is okay to add a small amount of MCT oil or butter to your coffee without flicking that switch and pulling you out of your fast and it's quite controversial and I'm on the fence if it actually does. Okay, let's talk about our energy level. Honestly, I noticed my productivity waiting around mid afternoon, and I found a solution. So I thought I would share it with my coffee culture family. I started taking magic mine with my coffee at about three o'clock every day. It says little green elixir and my newest productivity hack. It makes my coffee do more so I can do more. And I believe it's the neuro tropics. It's got Lion's Mane in it, and it truly makes me sharper. I'd like you to feel on your game every day. So I've partnered with magic mind to put together a tremendous offer for you. In the next 10 days, you can get up to 56% off your first subscription, go to magic mine.co forward slash coffee culture and it gets better. If you use the promo code Holly's 20 You get an additional 20% off that subscription. Magic mine has matcha neuro tropics and adaptogens And this two ounce shot changes the game. And guess what it tastes like pineapple juice to me. Go get yours now I'll put the code in the show notes, productivity and clarity await you with magic mine I follow another health food junkie and journalist Max Lucca Vir. He says it's okay to add MCT oil or butter. He stumbled upon this and other health hacks when trying to find solutions to cure his late mother's dementia. So this kind of brings me to another word called ketosis. And I'll add an article from Harvard health in the show notes if you're interested in that. But for the sake of this episode, I'll stick with intermittent fasting because it'll confuse the two and you can do one without the other. I'm not personally doing this for weight loss, though. So because I don't even weigh myself and I cannot tell you if it has slimmed to my waist or made my pants fit better. I do it for mental clarity and sharpness. But because I'm a coffee addict, and not much of a breakfast eater, this appealed to me and the benefits outweigh the effort of not eating for that window. There are some people that engage in intermittent fasting and only drink black coffee. But not every day. There are some methodologies that say you can still benefit from a block of days on an a block of days off, like taking an intermittent fasting break on the weekends, which I find beneficial because brunch is like religion where I live. So if you'd like to add something to your morning coffee while partaking in intermittent fasting, you could try a few zero calorie zero protein alternatives. You could sprinkle cinnamon, out a drop of vanilla or MCT oil. You also can choose a shorter window and still get the benefits from a 10 to 12 hour window versus 14 hours. And I do want to go back to MCT oil. What is it you ask? It stands for medium chain triglycerides. I've added a comprehensive article from Forbes on it. But I'll summarize here and with the help of Dr. Vincent Petrie, the medical director of Petrie Integrative Health in New York and author of the best selling book happy gut. MC T's are an immediate source of energy. He says in the liver MC teas are converted into ketones, like beta hydroxy butyrate, which is a big word we don't understand. But what it does, is in the fasting state, it provides better, more efficient energy for the brain and suggesting that it's increasing focus and concentration he says. So this is why I'm okay with adding MCT oil to my coffee when I'm intermittent fasting, it seems that it works in conjunction with the goals of fasting and provides immediate and efficient energy for the brain. Of course, this episode only focuses on one aspect that is sharpness and clarity. But MCT oil has other benefits like gut health, athletic endurance, boosting energy, and heart health. So my question to you coffee culture fans? Do you intermittent fast? And why? And do you have health hacks you want to share? Please plant your questions and answers in a review on Apple podcasts. Thanks everyone. Hey, coffee lovers, please share coffee culture with a friend. You can send your questions or ideas for great stories about connection to me on my Instagram or YouTube channel. All relevant links are in the show notes along with the buy me a coffee link if you'd like to support this indie podcaster also, my best selling book zero to podcast will help you start your show in less than three weeks. Whether it's your personal goal, or to inspire a friend. Let me help you at Holly shannon.com Thank you coffee lovers.

This season is produced by pale blue studios